Inspired by the successful Broadway Backwards cabarets in NYC, we experimented with gender and classic musical theatre songs. Two highlights of the night included Turkey Lurkey time featuring all male trio and Being Alive with a woman playing Bobby. The cabaret was presented alongside The Producers to close out a season of musicals at Forestburgh Playhouse
Director - Nolan Boggess, Vinny Capluzzi
Choreographer - Sydney Chow
Music Director - James Osorio
Lighting Design - Anthony Raddi, Anna Summitt
Sound Design - Travis Byrne, Jake Beha
Props - Lorelei Davis
Song Selection - John Bubb and Franklin Trap
Forestburgh Playhouse
August 2019
Broadway Backwards Cabaret
Forestburgh Playhouse
Cast: Kaitie Buckert, Sydney Chow, Eric Graupensperger, Dylan Goike, Breia Kelley, GraceAnn Kontak, James Johnson, Amaya White, John Zamborsky